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Spitting Image - Pinstripe Wizard

Spitting Image - Pinstripe Wizard

"Pinstripe Wizard" is the seventh and final song from the Spitting Image special The Sound of Maggie!, and is sung by Margaret Thatcher's Minister for Trade and Industry, Lord David Young, who earned the nickname of "The Pinstripe Wizard" due to how well-dressed he always was. Lord Young was an unelected Minister, and was appointed by Thatcher to serve in various positions during her time as Prime Minster. Lord Young was widely regarded as useless by the masses, as this send-up of him by the Spitting Image team shows.


(Please welcome your Minister for Industry – Lord Young!)

(Lord Young) 
Ever since I've been Lord Young, 
I've played the silly arse. 
From Employment onto Industry, 
It’s all been total farce. 
You ain't seen nothing like it, 
I'm in the Lawson class!

That toffed-up and bland git sure wears a big pinstripe! 
He’s a Pinstripe Wizard; he’s got to be a twit, 
The Pinstripe Wizard talks such complete bullshit!

(Roy Hattersley) 
(How does he get away with it?)

(Neil Kinnock) 
 (I dunno!)

(Roy Hattersley) 
(What makes him so good?)

(Neil Kinnock) 
(Bad, Roy!)

(Roy Hattersley) 
(Yes, Neil!)

(Lord Young) 
Ain't never been elected, 
Never got a single vote. 
Not a single qualification, 
Never done a thing of note. 
When it comes to any talent, 
I'm afraid I've missed the boat!

That toffed-up and bland git sure wears a big pinstripe! 
He’s a Pinstripe Wizard; he’s got to be a twit, 
The Pinstripe Wizard talks such complete bullshit!

(Lord Young) 
Don’t hear of any problems, 
I'm deaf to people’s pleas.
I never answer critics, 
Dumbness is my creed. 
Can’t see the crooks around me, 
I'm blind to city greed!

That toffed-up and bland git sure wears a big pinstripe! 
He’s a Pinstripe Wizard; he’s got to be a twit, 
The Pinstripe Wizard talks such complete bullshit!

(Lord Young) 
