The Good Bit is a parody of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit (1991), from 1993 that satirizes Seattle Rock and how most of their songs are boring except one bit of it, normally the chorus.
American band
You can't remember our name
You know the ones you liked last month
We're much the same
From Seattle or somewhere
You're not sure
Boring, boring verse
Boring, boring bore
So dull and so drab
You're sitting on the floor
'till we reach the part
You're waiting for
This is the good bit
The only good bit
The reason you bought it
You only like this bit
This is the good bit, the good bit, the good bit
And now there's a quiet bit
(lead singer talks to audience)
Lead Singer: Yeah, sorry about this part this guys. We got to do these parts to make the good bits better.
Guy in Red Hat: That's okay.
Big Eared Character: When's the next good bit?
Lead Singer: Oh let me see, uh, I think it's right about like now.
Back to the good bit
The only good bit
The bit you can dance to
And fall out stage to
Get off with with the next tune
The Good bit, the Good bit,
(audience members chat while song still plays)
Guy in Red Hat: This is the good bit, that's good.
Punk: It's half past eleven.
Big Eared Character: Feel like another band?
Guy in Red Hat: Egh, I heard Solthic Mudbath is supposed to be good.
Punk: Have you heard them?
Guy In Red Hat: No.
Punk: Are they from Seatlle?
Big Eared Character: Yeah!
Punk: Great, they're my favorite band!
Good Bit, Good Bit, Good Bit Good Bit, Good Bit, Good Bit Good Bit, Good Bit, Good Bit Good Bit, Good Bit
Good Biiiiiiiiiiiit (Lead sticks out tongue and licks camera)
(Drumer slashes into the drums)